Computer Science Course Winter 2022
Ladybugs Take Flight 4
(Debugging in Python)

Course Description:
This course focuses on the clarification, definition and usage of errors in programming, since students who can begin reading and fixing other's code will be better prepared to solve errors within their own programs. We define three main types of errors—runtime, syntax and logic—and when each occurs, how they differ and what the errors look like when they are present. Students are assigned initial descriptions and must examine, find and fix all errors within that code.
Open to 5-9th Grade Female Students
(Prerequisite: Ladybugs Take Flight 3)
Ladybugs Take Flight 4
Charlotte Latin School
Wednesdays and Thursdays, 7:15 - 8:15 AM
Week 1: Jan 26 and Jan 27
Week 2: Feb 02 and Feb 03
Week 3: Feb 09 and Feb 10
Week 4: Feb 23 and Feb 24
Week 5: Mar 02 and Mar 03
Week 6: Mar 09 and Mar 10
What’s included in the
Winter 2022 Program

Discover computer science and software development

Enriching activities

Friendly and
fun environment

Develop creative and critical thinking skills

Make new friends with similar interests

Fun and engaging lessons

Learn about careers
in technology

Build a community
of girls in tech

Curriculum aligned to six technology and/or computer science standards
About the Instructor

Alyssa Alameda
Alyssa Alameda is an undergraduate computer science student at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte who loves teaching, computers, and connecting with others. She has a research background with both the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Office of Naval Research and her love for teaching extends beyond computer science. Alyssa is the Vice Commander of UNC Charlotte's Air Force ROTC Detachment and is responsible for the growth and development of 130 officer candidates. Having been a young programmer not long ago, Alyssa understands the struggles that new programmers can face. She wants to show the young women at The Angelica Institute that they have what it takes, just as others did for her.

The Angelica Institute (TAI) provides
standards-aligned extracurricular programs
designed to provide middle and high school girls
with foundational skills in computer science
while providing a safe and fun environment
to build relationships, push boundaries,
and develop confidence.
The Angelica Institute Student Journey