Computer Science Course Fall 2022
Ladybugs Take Flight 1
(MIT Scratch Fundamentals)
Course Description:
In “Ladybugs Take Flight 1”, students are introduced to basic coding principles that include (but are not limited to): use of start commands, variables, changes in the coordinate plane, loops and forever loops.
Initially through storytelling, students will use the Scratch programming language to bring two ladybug characters to life.
Historical references are utilized to provide context in the development of the first computers, a dance called the “Jitterbug”, and the roles of women in early computer science fields.
Open to 5–9th Grade
Female Students
Ladybugs Take Flight 1
Charlotte Latin School
Wednesdays 4:45–6:45 PM
Week 1: Nov 09
Week 2: Nov 16
Week 3: Nov 30
Week 4: Dec 07
Week 5: Dec 14
What’s included in
The Angelica Institute's Programming
Discover computer science and software development
Enriching activities
Friendly and
fun environment
Develop creative and critical thinking skills
Make new friends with similar interests
Fun and engaging lessons
Learn about careers
in technology
Build a community
of girls in tech
Curriculum aligned to six technology and/or computer science standards
About the Instructor
Ms. Delanie Reavis-Bey
Ms. Delanie has been a North Carolina public school science teacher for more than 10 years. She graduated from University of North Carolina at Charlotte with a degree in biology and science has always been her passion. Ms. Delanie enjoys stimulating young minds to think outside the box and to use their creativity to become innovative solutionists. Her goal at The Angelica Institute is to help even the playing fields for young girls by sparking their interest in the field of technology.
The Angelica Institute Student Journey
The Angelica Institute (TAI) provides
standards-aligned extracurricular programs
designed to provide middle and high school girls
with foundational skills in computer science
while providing a safe and fun environment
to build relationships, push boundaries,
and develop confidence.