Computer Science Course Winter 2022
Ladybugs Take Flight 2
(MIT Scratch – Intermediate)

Course Description:
In "Ladybugs Take Flight 2", students continue on their journey utilizing the Scratch programming language to develop more complex code sequences for the ladybug characters. Students will relate coding to the game of soccer, learn about producer
and consumer ecosystems, and brainstorm solutions to an environmental problem.
They will be introduced to operators and conditionals, discover binary and denary code, create a project of their choosing, and collaborate with a partner for their final project.
Open to 5–9th Grade
Female Students
Ladybugs Take Flight 2
(Prerequisite: LTF 1)
Forsyth Country Day School
Wednesdays, 4:00–5:30 PM
Week 1: Feb 02
Week 2: Feb 09
Week 3: Feb 16
Week 4: Mar 02
Week 5: Mar 09
Week 6: Mar 16
Dr. Michelle Klosterman
What’s included in the
Winter 2022 Program

Discover computer science and software development

Enriching activities

Friendly and
fun environment

Develop creative and critical thinking skills

Make new friends with similar interests

Fun and engaging lessons

Learn about careers
in technology

Build a community
of girls in tech

Curriculum aligned
to six technology and/or computer science standards
About the Instructor

Dr. Klosterman
Dr. Klosterman is a teacher, mom, wife, and engineer. She loves puzzles,
the outdoors, dogs, and all things purple! After earning her bachelor’s
and master’s degrees (in biomedical engineering and education, respectively) from Vanderbilt University and her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from
the University of Florida, Michelle has taught at the high school, middle school, and college levels for the last 21 years. She's excited to work with students of all ages to help them explore their potential, and is excited about the opportunity
to work specifically with girls interested in science and engineering.
The Angelica Institute Student Journey

The Angelica Institute (TAI) provides
standards-aligned extracurricular programs
designed to provide middle and high school girls
with foundational skills in computer science
while providing a safe and fun environment
to build relationships, push boundaries,
and develop confidence.