Computer Science Course Spring 2022
Ladybugs Take Flight 5
(Python Capstone)

Course Description:
The final set of Python lessons builds off of the skills learned in the preceding three sessions. Students will develop a game centered around optimizing cost and efficiency for farming robots and capstone projects will incorporate an ecosystem model. Students will post their projects on their digital portfolios.
Open to 5–9th Grade
Female Students
(Prerequisite: Ladybugs Take Flight 4)
Ladybugs Take Flight 5
Charlotte Latin School
Wednesdays and Thursdays, 7:15–8:15 AM
Week 1: Mar 30 and Mar 31
Week 2: Apr 06 and Apr 07
Week 3: Apr 13
Week 4: Apr 20 and Apr 21
Week 5: Apr 27 and Apr 28
Week 6: May 04 and May 05
What’s included in
The Angelica Institute's Programming

Discover computer science and software development

Enriching activities

Friendly and
fun environment

Develop creative and critical thinking skills

Make new friends with similar interests

Fun and engaging lessons

Learn about careers
in technology

Build a community
of girls in tech

Curriculum aligned to six technology and/or computer science standards
About the Instructor

Lynn Zhao
Hi! I’m Lynn, and I have been interested in STEM for as long as I can remember. Ever since my first engineering and computer programming classes, I have been hooked. I love to invent, design, and build projects of my own. As a woman in this very male-dominated field, I truly believe it’s important to foster girls’ interests in these subjects early to change the quota and allow for more diverse ideas from a female perspective!

The Angelica Institute (TAI) provides
standards-aligned extracurricular programs
designed to provide middle and high school girls
with foundational skills in computer science
while providing a safe and fun environment
to build relationships, push boundaries,
and develop confidence.
The Angelica Institute Student Journey