The Angelica Institute

Hope M.
Web Development Intern (2021)
Hope graduated from Charlotte Latin and is majoring in computer science in college.
She loves working with The Angelica Institute because they help inspire young women to pursue their dreams in typically male-dominated fields.
Adam D.
Content Specialist
Adam writes code for websites, applications
and for educational curriculum. He strives to use programming as a means to help others, and to inspire students to be a part of the change towards ethical and universally beneficial computing.

Content Specialist
Erin has a B.S. in Chemistry from UNC Chapel Hill and has worked at the agtech company Syngenta since 2015. She has held various roles as an analytical chemist, product chemistry specialist, and most recently as a technical expert in human health risk assessment.
As a woman working in the science industry, Erin is excited to be a part of The Angelica Institute and support its mission to provide young women with the skills and confidence to have a successful future in a STEM field.