Computer Science Course Spring 2023
Ladybugs Take Flight 3
(Transition to Python)

Course Description:
In "Ladybugs Take Flight 3", students continue learning programming principles and transition from block code (used in Scratch) to Python, a text-based language that is currently the most popular programming language worldwide. Students will interpret/convert Scratch block code into text-based code and continue to utilize variables, if-then statements, and loops.
They will create programs that users can manipulate to produce different outcomes and further develop skills that are essential to debug and “repair” common code issues.
Open to 5-9th Grade Female Students
(Prerequisite: Ladybugs Take Flight 2)
Ladybugs Take Flight 3
Charlotte Latin School
Wednesdays, 4:45 - 6:45 PM
Week 1: Feb 22
Week 2: Mar 01
Week 3: Mar 22
Week 4: Mar 29
Week 5: Apr 05
What’s included in the
Spring 2023 Program

Discover computer science and software development

Enriching activities

Friendly and
fun environment

Develop creative and critical thinking skills

Make new friends with similar interests

Fun and engaging lessons

Learn about careers
in technology

Build a community
of girls in tech

Curriculum aligned to six technology and/or computer science standards
About the Instructor

Mrs. Barbara Morrow
Ms. Barbara Morrow is a middle and high school educator of twenty four years, with an MEd in Science in Inquiry-Based Education. She has encouraged students (especially young women) to participate in extracurricular STEM activities throughout her teaching career. Having twice received the prestigious Lemelson MIT Excite (Teaching) Award, the Pam Wilson Endowment Grant, Middle School Teacher of the Year Award, and two Arts and Science Council Grants, Barbara brings her passion for learning into the lives of the young women with whom she works. Recognizing the need for expanding an extracurricular environment for middle school girls to express and grow their interest in computer science, introduced girls' coding and STEM programs at Charlotte Latin School, which she has advised for the past six years. In this program, Barbara encouraged and recruited the help of high school students and provided them leadership opportunities of mentorship with the younger students. Additionally, for the past twenty years, Barbara has been heavily involved in the writing of high-stakes End of Grade/Course assessments for over twenty-five states in the United States. This also included writing the assessment for the New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) for numerous years, as well as the online Science ERB Assessment. In 2010, Mrs. Morrow’s curriculum-writing experience was utilized to write lessons for the U.S. Department of Defense Army Educational Outreach Program (eCYBERMISSION) that are utilized by teachers across the United States and military bases abroad. Finally, Mrs. Morrow is noted for the consistent refinement of the curricula utilized in both her Science and Girls' Innovation and Design courses. In the summer of 2022, Ms. Morrow earned her certification in MIT’s prestigious Fab Academy.

The Angelica Institute (TAI) provides
standards-aligned extracurricular programs
designed to provide middle and high school girls
with foundational skills in computer science
while providing a safe and fun environment
to build relationships, push boundaries,
and develop confidence.
The Angelica Institute Student Journey